Webinar: Global Ramifications of the US Elections

When: 27/10/2020 18:00 - Where: ZOOM

The Department of International and European Studies of the University of Piraeus and the Council for International Relations - Greece presented the Webinar "Global Ramifications of the US Elections 2020" on 27 OCT 2020 - 18:00

Speaker: Markos Kounalakis, Hoover Institue, Standford University


  • Athanasios Platias, University of Piraeus
  • Aristotle Tziampiris, University of Piraeus and Council for International Relations - Greece

Moderator: Katerina Sokou, Kathimerini and Atlantic Council

Watch the entire Webinar on Youtube.

Webinar's Poster:

Global Ramifications Poster Register 01